Methodology for setting up new training offers (LMD) based on the methodology for the elaboration of the training offer adopted in the framework of the “PAPS-ESRS” Support Program for the Sector Policy of Higher Education and Scientific Research
Responsible of the State Member: Dr. Bartolomé RUBIA AVI / Responsible of the Beneficiary State: …
The conception of university teaching, as it developed throughout the 20th century, took as its reference points the cognitive models of authors such as Vygotsky, Brunner or more recently Gardner. The latter have above all made it possible to construct a conception from a constructive scientific perspective in which learning is not understood as a process of memorisation but rather as a dynamic of construction / reconstruction of knowledge on and in the student. It is fundamentally a social construction, because everything we learn we learn because we share it in a dynamic of social and linguistic agreement. It is also collaborative, because what we learn we build with the input of others, which also helps us to develop teamwork skills. And this makes our learning really useful and sustainable.
If we stick to the different competences represented by Gardner’s “intelligences”, we have to understand the learning process as something that takes into account the different ways of accessing knowledge and the way intelligence manifests itself in each of us (linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, musical, bodily / kinaesthetic, intra-personal, interpersonal intelligence,…). We are ultimately social beings, we learn together, we also live together and thus we co-realise all our existences.
Therefore, the University, as a responsible institution for the formation of society at the highest levels, must keep in mind how we learn to channel the teaching and learning processes it organises.
Therefore, the dynamics of university teaching will have to be based on new methodological / didactic forms that start from this same learning perspective. The necessary implementation of educational activities at all levels of university studies or courses in processes where students will be led to develop the competence that best characterises their intelligence, as well as their social, communication and collaboration skills will enable them not only to master perfectly the conceptual content of the field for which they are trained, but also to develop as individuals the competence to learn the said content in a meaningful way. The university must contribute through its formative experiences to the integral development of its students as professionals and as people.
To achieve this, the pedagogical model must change. Firstly, it must be updated so that students can develop their ability to work in teams by carrying out group tasks. Secondly, it also needs to implement new teaching resources that go far beyond the texts of the classic textbooks, because not everyone learns in the same way. For example, someone who, in order to best achieve his or her personal skills, needs to graphically visualise the content he or she is learning in narrative form (video), in graphic form (schematic), in social form (sharing in an environment with his or her reference group or through a social network), etc., must have the possibility of accessing the corresponding material, in addition to being able to share spaces where technology becomes one of the main elements of development. It should be possible to specify the nature of such learning not only through a classical exam, but also through presentations that replace the concept of the book. It may even be necessary to use complex techniques such as the “performance” which has been used to present important work such as doctoral theses. Initiatives such as the 3-Minute dissertation may have contributed to the development of complex idea synthesis processes, which not only help students to disseminate their progress in writing their work, but have also served to guide them in the development of their dissertations. Dynamic initiatives such as the “reversed classroom” have changed the traditional classroom where the teacher first gives the class and then the student studies at home. Now the students come with the content heard and learned at home and the classroom becomes a place of debate, of reflection where doubts are resolved and content is consolidated.
Therefore, we propose to launch a working procedure for the development of new didactic methodologies that should be based on the following aspects or elements:
- Acquire knowledge related to various issues in higher education and the application of active methodologies. Special attention will be paid to the following aspects: the role of education in contemporary society; training in the preparation of study plans and the coordination of degrees; new teaching methods and participatory techniques; training in multidisciplinary and transversal competences; the challenge of interculturality; physical expression and physical activity; adaptation of disabled students.
- Provide the Ministry with contents on pedagogy with the media and audiovisual solutions and presenting formulas for the preparation of Arabic-Spanish didactic material and Arabic-French-Spanish lexicography. A place will be given to audiovisual solutions for people with disabilities.
- Provide professional training in the field of audiovisual media for management, research and teaching. Training will be provided for the technological development of teaching resources and for learning through the virtual campus. Attention to diversity will be included.